Friday, March 13, 2009

Thinking of mugging a leprechaun!!!!

Jocelyn has told me that on St Patty's day, you go out and beat up Leprechauns and take their gold. So apparently my dear little one is a mugger at heart. Of course given this economy, there will be mobs out looking for them. I once again feel handcuffed by our lack of income. We took our car in for an oil change and it is going to cost us $1400. Since we have no car payt on the vehicle and the last repairs of any magnitude was last summer, we are sucking it up. We have decided not to investigate the reason why the other car has had the check engine light has been on for 4 straight months. We don't have the available credit or the money to investigate that little delight. And of course my brilliant high schooler has been nominated and now has been invited to attend medical leadership camp (which costs like $3000) that would pretty much guarantee her acceptance to medical school when it is time and we are not going to be send her. We just can't scrape the cash.

I try really hard not to make life all about money. But at this point, everything that pops up, is about money. Chris did get a raise but I think it was spent before it hits the account next week. So I think I may have to start mugging leprechauns with Joce!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

50/50 split, and I'll bring the stick.