Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy July

So a year ago, July was a bit bumpy. New baby in our house was a good thing, but very tired momma made. A year ago today I was just thinking how it was the worst day ever because I had lost my cell phone and my keys at the mall. In the coming days, it would have been banished the minor events.

So one year later, my health is okay. That is a blessing. We are facing Jocelyn's issue's this month and hopefully we will be able to look back a year from now with a blessed feeling.

So I have taken a break from the house and jumped into my scrap room. I am sharing only a portion of the items I have done because it would take to much effort to post everything. I did 16 Quikpages (just add pics to a predone page) this weekend. Plus the following. Some of the pics stink, sorry!


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